07856454291 [email protected]

How It All Works and Whats Next?

Amazing. So you've had your discovery call with me and like me you've decided that Life Coaching and NLP is for you. The next step is receiving your email with all the instructions and information you will be needing. Don't worry, it's all taken care of.

Amazing! So you’ve had your discovery call with me and like me you’ve decided that Life Coaching is for you. The next step is receiving your email with all the instructions and information you will be needing. You can then decide whether you have your sessions face to face or via voice call. Both are a great choice however you will benefit more from face to face session. These can either be online or at my comfortable modern home (pictured here on the right)

Please see https://coachinginconfidence.uk/about/ which is the “About” page  on this website for a little more information about me. It includes my qualifications, experience and memberships.

Last but my no means least, I look forward to our sessions together.